Frequently asked questions.
I’m new to CrossFit, is this really for me?
ANYONE can do CrossFit. You don’t even need to be in shape to start with us. We are looking for those who are willing to learn and put in the work to reaching their goals. Our workouts are scalable to benefit anyone on any fitness level. We will ensure the weights and intensity are adjusted to suit your capabilities. Our members range from 10 to 70, from collegiate athletes to those that have never played a sport.
What exactly happens in a CrossFit class?
When you come in, a WOD or workout of the day will be written on the white board. We’ll discuss the workout & scaling options, take you through a warm-up, and ensure that you have no questions about the exercise you are going to do. Then, “3–2–1–GO!” You work with your class to set the best time or set personal records. For the majority of days you can expect to complete the WOD in 20 minutes or less. Classes tend to last 45-60 including warm-up, strength, skill, WOD, and post workout stretching.
Is CrossFit safe?
Safety is imperative at our facility. Injuries from improper form or rhabdomyolysis from heavy volume workouts can always occur. Because of this, our CF trainers are on the floor 100% of the time during the workout. It must also be mentioned that the functional movements found in CrossFit are completely safe. This is why your trainers are there to modify accordingly!
What are the CrossFit movements?
The majority of workouts are programmed from, but not limited to the following list: Back Squat, Ball Slam, Bench Press, Box Jumps, Burpees, Cleans, Deadlift, Dips, Dumbbell Moves, Front Squat, GHD (Glute-Ham Developer) for Back Extension/Sit-ups, Hand Stand Push-up, Jump Rope Skills, Kettle Bell Swing/Clean/Snatch, Knees-to-Elbows, Lunge, Medicine Ball Cleans, Muscle-ups, Overhead Squat, Press, Push Jerk, Push Press, Pull-up, Push-up, Rope Climb, Concept II Rowing Machine, Running/Sprinting and Mechanics, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Sit-ups, Snatch, Squat, Thruster, and Wall Ball. You can explore these movements by clicking here. New to CF? Sign up for Fundamentals!